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Monday, March 17

Short post today

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, I will not be updating this blog as frequent cos multiply has a blogging section as well so as to cut down on my daily usage of computer, I will be blogging in my multiply. My multiply website is www.tobychloie.multiply.com
If you have an account, add me okay!!!!
My ROM pictures will be posted up in multiply once I get it [should be within these few days].
Take care!!!

Monday, March 26

What happened to the post I just post? It's gone!!! It's ok.. I will just have to type it all over again. I have been lagging of updates cos I have been lazy to go sign up for a goggle account. Why blogger must force me to sign up a google account before I can update? Anyway, I have done it and I will continue to update [though I have been thking to close down this blog but no one have taught me how to do so]... I'll be back with updates.. This post is to let u guys know that Im still alive!

Thursday, February 8

Sorry to abandon this blog for so long. I have been busy for the past weeks. Was rushing to complete 2 projects during the last two weeks of January. Finally got it done and submitted on last Thursday. Actually nothing exciting happened for the past weeks. Only that I went to highlit my hair red. Haha! Settled for it cos to perm it will dry it out and I will have to apply lots of funny things to it to make it bouncy. So dropped that idea. After doing this highlit, I start to notice more people with red highlits or red hair. Damn disgusted cos most of them are AUNTIES!!! I look like one of them!!! But what can I do now... Make good use of it and look like an ah lian lor... Went shopping for new year clothes last Sunday. I went to Vivo with my mum. Guess what. I cant find any clothes I like. Don't know what is wrong with me nowadays. Don't have the mood for shopping anymore. Dear used to nag that I like to buy things but now got so much things to buy but don't know what to buy. We reached there at about 3pm. Walk till about 5pm, I was still empty handed. Even my mum cant stand me. Finally went into one of the shop and just try on whatever caught my eyes. In the end I bought 2 tops and a bottom. From there on, I got abit warm up. Start to open my eyes to look out for clothes but still nothing is nice lei. Is it due to me getting old or is it caused by the lagging behind of the society? I concluded that I'm stress. Exam is after new year. Sucks big time right? Last year when I was still in poly, the same thing also happened. One thing is that I have not started studying till now, second thing is that I hate exams cos I always get mental block once I sit down in the exam room. I hope it will not happen this time round but I know it is hard. Ok... Update more later this week... Got to go back to my work... Tata~~~

Friday, January 19

Hi guys... Back again... Feel sleepy but can't take a nap... I was playing with my hair just now. Think I have to go for a change next week or the week after next. I had always wanted to perm big curls for my hair but don't know why my hair take forever to grow long. Now is a just nice length to perm it but have to go for treatment and use lots of products to make the curl bouncy kinda turn me off. I may be vain but a lazy vain woman! I don't like the process of putting so much stuff on my hair and at the end of the day, I will feel irritated and frustrated cos my hair is oily or dry. But I want those curls! Don't ask me to buy ironing curler cos I "burnt" one of my ears once when I borrowed from Shirdeen. Even looking at magazine on how to curl the hair, my hair just can't get those results lei... Very fed up! It might be due to my hair texture. I have very thick and wavy hair on my right while the left is thin and fizzy. Not only am I difficult, my hair is also difficult. Maybe I should just do a highlit. I want to have red highlits!!! Saw in a magazine yesterday that there is something called as straight perm. Cool right! It will not turn out to be as flat and straight as rebond kind. It will look like we were born with the straight hair. See! Now so vexed as to what to do. Big curl? Red highlit? Straight perm? I'm a lazy vainpot! Lazy till I no longer apply my O'lay before I sleep. O'lay cream is damn good! Don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on other product. I have proven it already. Whenever I have a pimple, I will apply O'lay to my face and the next day that pimple will subside already and apply for another 3 to 4 days, you will look like you never had a pimple at all. When I first started to use it, I thought it would turn out like other products which its effect wont last for long. But now I'm using my 3rd bottle already and the effect is still effective! It works fine on my but I don't guarantee it will be the same for you but I do know of many people using it and complementing it. I don't even have to put on any makeup and I still look pretty!!!(Please dont puke!) Now I only leave home with abit of mascara and lip balm. Fuss free right! But I need help with getting rid of my dark rings. Anyone have any product to get rid of it? Haha!!!! Got to go back to work! Tata~~~

Wednesday, January 17

This post is going to be funny. I have something to share with you guys. Everytime I take my shower, I'm particularly very cautious when I'm shampooing my hair. It is a natural instinct that we have to close our eyes when we shampoo our hair right? It is so that the foam won't get into our eyes to make it painful right? BUT! There is something in me that makes me keep trying to open my eyes to look at the surrounding. I fear that when I open my eyes after shampooing my hair, I will be in somewhere else. I fear that I will be telepotted to an open area in the public and shampooing there naked! Like a model bathing in the public to advertise on the shampoo or bath form. U might be thinking "Ms Peck, what a good imagination you have!" but I can't help it either. I did a quick check just now but there is no name for the phobia I'm having. So I can only break it up into parts. I might have a phobia of bathing which is "Ablutophobia". Or I might have a phobia of being naked or nudity which is "Gymnophobia or Nudophobia". Or maybe I just have a phobia in everything which is "Panophobia". If you are wondering what my blog address [soceraphobia.blogspot.com] means, it is a phobia of parents-in-law. I'm scared of them as well. It is not that they are bad or what but maybe cos I fear that I have to start living with them one day. Because I don't grow up with them so I don't know what is their living habits and they don't know mine as well. Im afraid of conflicts lah... I'm a very difficult person to deal with. [I know many of you knows that. Haha!] Anyhow, you can check your phobia names in http://www.phobialist.com.
I have alot of things to type today cos I did not went out for lunch. I had my favourite cup noodles with me! Type a few words and eat a few strand of noodles at the same time. Women are best in multi-tasking. Oh %@$#! I spilled some of the soup on my table. *heehee* Got to clean it up otherwise my documents will get wet! Tata~~~

Friday, January 12

My dear is back!!!!!! He touched down at about 7.20am. Supposed to be 4.10am but his flight got delayed cos of 1 stupid passenger who cant clear the customs in the China side. Got delayed by almost 3 hours! I recieved dear's msg at about 1.15am that his flight have not flew yet. I was thinking "what the heck. Is it caused by the rain in S'pore or plane got problem." I got very worried. At about 3.10am, he msg again to say that his flight is flying soon. So i calculated that he will touched down at about 7+am so I went back to nap till 6.10am. My brother took his own sweet time to get dressed in the toilet! I waited for almost 30mins for him to be done. After I got changed, I drove him to school cos it was raining. The weather was bad in the morning. Traffic was slow till Rochor Road. Speed all the way cos dear was clearing customs when I called him at about 7.15am. Reached airport and saw them and they load their stuffs and we quickly zoomed off. Traffic jam all the way till Jurong Town Hall Road. No choice have to bear with it. We tried taking the minor road instead of the expressway and it is also packed as well. But it is all okay now... Just lack of sleep and feeling very sleepy now... Back to work... Tata~~~

Thursday, January 11

Another 12 hours time, I will be able to see my dear!!!!!!! Cant explain how the feeling is like but quite happy. But a little part of me have gotten used to his absence. Told Cherie about this and she say I'm heartless. Haha! I'll be picking dear and two others later. Their flight will land at 4.10am. Can't wait to go!!! But now I have to get back to my work... Tata~~~

Wednesday, January 10

1 and a half more day to go...
It is always after 3pm that I find it hard to get pass... From 3pm all the way till night time... I'm very tired but just cant fall sleep. Even positioning myself to the most comfortable position seems useless. Sigh... Today is Wednesday only... Office have been recieving alot of calls. Alot of job to be done, so little time... It used to be dear's job to be worrying about all these but now it is my turn. I don't even know where to get some of the things needed. No choice. Have to bear with it for one more afternoon. Back to work... Tata~~~
*Still missing you...*

Tuesday, January 9

2 and a half more days to go...
I feel like dying... I dint not expect to be hit with such impact. Unable to get to sleep even though I'm damn tired, unable to put much food into my mouth even though I'm hungry... To make things worst, I'm losing blood since Monday. Luckily my ulcer is on the healing process otherwise I will sure fly to China to find Dear just to sayang me... He's not able to come back early as Wednesday flight is full already. No choice... Have to bear till Friday 4.10am before I can get to see dear again.... With dear not around, I have no motivation to do anything. Give me the chance to go shopping also no use cos I just don't have the mood to do. Rushing out my marketing project this week but I can't think of any thing to write. Just threw in any words that came into my sight. I think things are always made this way... When the person is around, we take them for granted. When he is not around suddenly, we will be lost. But it is good in a sense that at least the both of us know that we treasure each other. That's all for today... Tata~~~
*Missing you*

Sunday, January 7

Sorry for the delay of update again.. Been busy with work after the holidays. And a bad thing happened yesterday. Dear went to China! He went with 2 other friends of hos. To be honest, I cried. Yesterday night was the most difficult night for me. Cried till my eyes were swollen this morning. I was worried about him. I know that the technology is much better than what we have here but still there are con-men/women everywhere! I worried about the food they eat there. Worried that he will catch a cold cos it is cold there now. So silly of me right? He is old enough to take care of himself! I must stop worrying about him. Oh ya! He is there to look at the products to bring back to see whether there is any market for him to expand on. He flew off yesterday evening and will only be back on early morning of Friday [4am]. Almost a week there hor? It will be a hard time for me next week.. No one to fetch me to work [have to drive alone to office], no one to nag at, no one to fetch me to & fro class, no one to accompany me for food, blah blah blah... Needless to say, I will definately go fetch him on Friday! The time won't be a problem for me cos I just want to see my dear boy.. Miss him very badly.. I got to get back to my projects aldy.. Tata~~~


Respect me~!


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